National Institute of Standards and Technology
Physics Laboratory

Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards 92, 85-95 (1987).

The 1986 CODATA Recommended Values
of the Fundamental Physical Constants

E. Richard Cohen and Barry N. Taylor

This document gives the values of the basic constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry resulting from the 1986 least-squares adjustment of the fundamental physical constants as published by the CODATA Task Group on Fundamental Constants and as recommended for international use by CODATA.

Fundamental Physical Constants

atomic mass constant
atomic mass unit
Avogadro constant
BIPM maintained ampere
BIPM maintained ohm
BIPM maintained volt
Bohr magneton
Bohr radius
Boltzmann constant
classical electron radius
Cu x-unit
deuteron magnetic moment
deuteron mass
deuteron molar mass
deuteron-electron magnetic moment ratio
deuteron-electron mass ratio
deuteron-proton magnetic moment ratio
deuteron-proton mass ratio
diamagnetic shielding correction
electron Compton wavelength
electron g-factor
electron magnetic moment
electron magnetic moment anomaly
electron mass
electron molar mass
electron specific charge
electron volt
electron-alpha-particle mass ratio
electron-deuteron mass ratio
electron-muon magnetic moment ratio
electron-muon mass ratio
electron-proton magnetic moment ratio
electron-proton mass ratio
elementary charge
energy conversion factors
Faraday constant
fine-structure constant
first radiation constant
Hall conductance, quantized
Hall resistance, quantized
Hartree energy
Josephson frequency-voltage ratio
lattice spacing of Si
Loschmidt constant
magnetic flux quantum
Mo x-unit
molar gas constant
molar Planck constant
molar volume of ideal gas
molar volume of Si
muon g-factor
muon magnetic moment
muon magnetic moment anomaly
muon mass
muon molar mass
muon-electron mass ratio
muon-proton magnetic moment ratio
neutron Compton wavelength
neutron magnetic moment
neutron mass
neutron molar mass
neutron-proton magnetic moment ratio
neutron-electron mass ratio
neutron-proton magnetic moment ratio
neutron-proton mass ratio
Newtonian constant of gravitation
nuclear magneton
permeability of vacuum
permittivity of vacuum
Planck constant
Planck length
Planck mass
Planck time
proton Compton wavelength
proton gyromagnetic ratio
proton magnetic moment
proton mass
proton molar mass
proton specific charge
proton-electron mass ratio
proton-electron mass ratio
proton-muon mass ratio
quantum of circulation
Rydberg constant
Sackur-Tetrode constant
second radiation constant
shielded proton moment
speed of light in vacuum
standard acceleration of gravity
standard atmosphere
Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Thomson cross section
Wien displacement law constant


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